
New Corporate Stammering Network
Image shows Dr Clare Butler (left) with Rebecca Smith (Dom’s Cousin)

UEA Study Day in Norwich
On 2nd March 2013, the Trust funded a study day for SLTs at UEA focusing on ‘Stammering and Psychosocial Issues’. Welcoming delegates, The BSA’s Norbert Lieckfeldt emphasised the importance of establishing an evidence base around this significant aspect of stammering. Views were given from a number of perspectives: Dr Jo Hodgekins (UEA) gave a clinical psychologist’s perspective; Dr Tammy Davidson Thompson (Norwich Community Health & Care) talked about her survey of SLTs who work with adults who stammer, funded by the Trust and Ali Berquez (Michael Palin Centre) spoke about bullying and stammering. Dr Jan McAllister, who organised the event along with her colleague Sally Gascoine, described the research into stammering and psychosocial issues taking place at UEA. Email for further information or to participate in the study on stammering and psychosocial issues. Feedback on the event was extremely positive, with delegates benefiting from both the presentations and the opportunity to interact with other professionals who work in this area.

Open house in Cambridge